Rosegal | New Look

So obsessed with my new items from Rosegal . As usual they look like on the photos and the quality is great. They have also arrived v...

So obsessed with my new items from Rosegal. As usual they look like on the photos and the quality is great. They have also arrived very fast .

The jacket is so cute and warm , you can wear it like I do on the photos or as a turtleneck.Love how the colors blend well together . Very pretty combo the navy and olive .

The bag is so cozy, love the material and the shape . It’s not to small so all my important stuff still fits inside .

Have you ever ordered from Rosegal ? They always have such great offers , If  not make sure to check them out .

Don't forget the code RGIWD with which you will enjoy a 25% discount :)

Shop my look :

Casual Turn-Down Collar Color Block Drawstring Design Long Sleeve Coat For Women

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